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Energetic Self Care of the Multidimensional You
June 27, 2015 - June 28, 2015
$170 – $280

Energetic Self Care of the Multidimensional You. Did you know that you are 95% invisible?
Only about 5% of who we are is our Physical Body
The rest of who we are is made up of our subtle bodies.
Our subtle bodies are perceivable, we can even touch them. We just see and touch them in a different way.
We have;
Etheric/Energy bodies - Aura Chakras and Meridians
Astral Bodies - Comprised of Mental and Emotional Bodies - Programming, Beliefs, Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings
Soul Bodies - Divine Blueprint, Karmic Debt or Grace.
All of these beautiful bodies need a little love and care!
Just like the physical body, when we eat well, rest well & wash well and take care of what we put in to it, it treats us well and stays healthy.
When it's not well - we really know about it! It impacts our life majorly - this is where that age old adage, "If you have your health, you have everything," comes from.
What about taking care of the health of your other bodies? They are equally important!
- What are the signs that indicate one of my subtle bodies is unwell or needs cleaning or care?
- How can I do it?
- How will I know when it's better?
Over this weekend we take the opportunity to explore all of this and all things Energetic Self Care Multi Dimensional You and our Multi Dimensional World!
Energy is both visible and invisible, just as there are really beautiful and healthy things you can do to take care of your physical body, so too there are wonderful and beautiful things you can do for the invisible you.
Together we'll experience and try out easy tools and techniques to change the energy in You and Your Environment, which are simple to integrate into your everyday life.
When you use these tools in your life, more grace, joy and abundance will flow to you and through you.
We deeply explore the history, properties of many plants, woods and resins that can be used for the smoking or smudging ritual and develop a relationship with them.
In this seminar you will learn to;
- Perceive energy - auras.
- Discern different types of subtle energy through your ESP.
- Facilitate a comprehensive smudging ritual for both personal or home cleansing purposes.
- Chakral Toning and Clearing with sound.
- Experience powerful meditation and spiritual activation.
- Experience a Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Journey.

This is a transformative seminar that will change your inner and outer world - especially if you take what you receive into your world and apply it!
For more informamtion:
0413343879 or info@eartheart.com.au

- Tuition $280 and $170 concession - show valid card (full time student or unemployed) on the day
- Materials and Course Text included
- Workshop times are 10.00am - 5.00pm daily
Arrive at 9.30am early for registration and settling in - thank you.
- Please bring a plate of gluten free, vegetarian lunch to share. Vegan options preferred
- Please provide for yourself any other special dietary requirements: ie milks for tea
Read a fantastic article that PROVES that smudging REALLY works! Click the link below to go to the article