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June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
October 2017
Donate a Healing
As an additional service to our Soup Kitchen for the Soul Community Healing Program, we are facilitating the opportunity to sponsor a healing for someone in financial hardship, who without your compassion could not access the assistance they require for their wellbeing. Eartheart's Community of volunteer trained healers facilitate this program, which is how we can manage it. In addition Eartheart donates our venue a day a month. This Donate A Healing aspect of this program is also administrated by…
Find out more »Crystal Dreaming Retreat – Deeper into the Mystery
Are you ready to take your practice to a whole new level?Join Savitri (Freya Sampson) and Athena (Tracy Duffy), certified Crystal Dreaming teachers, on the FIRST EVER crystal Dreaming retreat in Ubud Bali.This retreat is timed right before the Bali Spirit fest (2-8 April 2018) so you can come on retreat and then stay on to enjoy the amazing Bali Spirit Festival.Join us for the full 7 days (8 nights) which include the practitioner certification course followed by a four…
Find out more »Essentially Oilsome & Delicious – Raw Vegan
Great informative and Yummy Workshop demonstrating how to use your oils in the Kitchen to make easy, healthy meals, treat and snacks. Come along and learn the benefits of using Young Living Culinary Oils in you Raw Food and Vegan Treats. We have 33 culinary oils which are the only oils approved by FSANZ. Not all oils are alike so learn why Young Living oils are different by Clinical Aromatherapy trained presenter.$35.00 per head and limited spaces.Booking a must.
Find out more »Anatomy of Divinity – Taught Over 9 Weeks
Great empowerment lies in knowing the Anatomy of Your Divinity. Within this construct lies the blueprint of creation and the map of the cosmos. During this 9 weeks we take a journey into our own multidimensional nature, through becoming familiarised with the Anatomy of our Divinity, each of its fundamental aspects and how their primary or basic functions relate to our life.We explore an overview of basic sacred geometry, the equation of perfect nesting and it's relationship to the holographic…
Find out more »November 2017
Learn Crystal Dreaming TM with the Master
We are thrilled to announce, that for the first time in 3 years Master Shaman Raym and Chicchan are joining us in Perth to share their cosmic wisdom.Bookings are Essential - Spaces are LimitedSpaces are already filling fast.If you feel called to this work, act now.Below is all the information about the 2 part workshops;Crystal Awareness Day 1 - prerequisite to Crystal Dreaming.It is possible to attend this first day and do the following 2 at a later stage.Crystal Dreaming…
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