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Eartheart is a Community Heart Consciousness Change Movement

We welcome your contact and look forward to co creating, with you, the shared dream in the hearts of humanity of the well being of planet Earth and all life upon it.

Please enjoy the journey around our entry portal.

Namaste "The Spirit within Eartheart, salutes the Spirit within You"

Who are Eartheart?

Eartheart is an socio-environmental organisation with a foundation deeply rooted in living a spirit rich life.

What is "a spirit rich life"?

We understand it to be a life in which one is consciously developing and refining ones relationship to Self, from the perspective of Unity and in the direction of peacefulness. We define Unity in this context as being the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things, cooperating harmoniously for the benefit of all.

Eartheart is dedicated to Earth & Humanity, with the purpose of revealing the divine magnificence within each of us. Enabling the realisation of our deeper relationship to the Earth, as dynamic expressions of divine love in action.

Eartheart is staffed by volunteers and funded by heartfelt financial contribution.

Eartheart has this venue, the 'Powerhouse' in Fremantle of which all the profits generated go towards the fostering and development of our world service projects. Currently Dreamtime Clean Ups and our developing 3 Year Study of the benefits of vibrational - complementary healing for the environment.


To cohesively realise and actualise the shared dream within the hearts of humanity, for the wellbeing of the planet and all life upon it.

Eartheart's vision is to contribute to the well being of the environment of Earth. To assist all sentient life upon it to become healthy, vibrant and optimally sustainable, empowered and interconnected thereby co-creating and contributing to a peace-filled global community and reality of life on Earth.


To transform life on Earth for the well being and benefit of all life upon it.

Eartheart's purpose is to create awareness and actualise harmonious and mutually beneficial relations between humanity, nature, flora and fauna. We develop this by offering world service programs like Dreamtime Cleanup days, Empowerment training and undertaking research programs which gather evidence of ways to improve the environment, utilising orthodox and complementary vibrational medicines. With the evidence gathered from our research programs we will develop and implement new ways of engaging with the environment that will be grounded, practical and easy for anyone in society to understand. This work will be for the benefit of all.


Eartheart Principles:

  1. Remain close to the Great Spirit
  2. Have respect for all living things
  3. Give assistance & kindness wherever needed
  4. Be truthful and honest at all times
  5. Do what you know to be right
  6. Look after the well being of Body, Energy, Emotion, Mind and Spirit
  7. Take responsibility for your actions
  8. Earn your living with integrity
  9. Honour your parents, teachers and elders
  10. Dedicate a share of your efforts for the greater good
  11. Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with great care and respect
  12. Improve the condition of the world by your very existence 

About Eartheart's Founder

"There is a shared dream in the hearts of humanity." - Freya-Savitri Sampson

In 1999, whilst taking a year off from my tertiary studies, I had a spiritual awakening. Out of the blue, everything changed. A switch turned on inside me and I could see, hear and feel things that were hidden from me previously.

Miracles happened within and all around me. The most profound of changes occurred as awareness flowed into my consciousness, and I realised and remembered that I had completely forgotten the truth of my being - and that humanity had forgotten theirs too. Since that time I have spent 15 years studying with many teachers on both physical and non-physical planes.

As part of this great remembering process, I found that I was able to facilitate healing for people and all sentient beings. To become insurable, I completed many years of study in the vibrational healing arts and spiritual teaching with a number of teachers. I now am a practicing, qualified therapist in several modalities of healing including: Pranic Healing, Laughter Yoga, Crystal DreamingTM, Atlas Alignments, Scalar Bath Therapy and Ignite Your Spirit Therapy. I also write and teach workshops and training programs for self empowerment.

During the profound awakening that I experienced in 1999, I was gifted the divine commission to bring Eartheart into the world as a vehicle for the transformation of the consciousness of humanity. Its purpose is to awaken the awareness of divinity within people and to reconnect them to their spirit and the spirit of the Earth, and also to develop their relationships in becoming peaceful, harmonious and supportive of one another, for the higher purpose of transforming life on Earth for the benefit and wellbeing of all.

Over the years Eartheart has grown into a community, in which I have the privilege to be the Custodian. All of Eartheart's activities are made possible by the involvement of many people. Eartheart would not exist or grow without all who make possible the wonderful world service offerings we have brought into being and will continue to co-create in the world. I am grateful to everyone who has contributed to Eartheart, from its conception to its current beingness today. I am humbled and privileged to care for Eartheart and hold the space to allow this facet of community to grow and collaborate, co-create and allow the shared dream in the heart of humanity to be realised.

Freya has spearheaded the founding of the R.A.G. – Roebourne Art Groups​ – in the Pilbara in WA; a vehicle for the healing and empowerment of Aboriginal people and the preservation of their culture in 2006.

Freya is the Founder of the Dreamtime Cleanups program. This is a vehicle for the bridging, unifying and bringing awareness of the relationship between environmental care and the Dreamtime, making accessible elders and education for the public about Aboriginal Culture.

Freya has served in the Business Development and Culture Change Management arena with Level 5 Lean, and has been employed as a full-time spiritual healer / culture change management expert in 2009 in Sydney, NSW.

Freya is a Registered Teacher of the ​Crystal DreamingTM and Advanced Crystal ​DreamingTM modalities.

Freya-Savitri Sampson - Custodian