Each of our lives are unique and so to are each of our passings. They are as special as coming in to our world. It is just as wise to invest as much care into our passing as our birthing.
With Freya you have the opportunity to collaborate and explore this expression of Yourself in a soulful way.
Services Provided
Preparation of your mind and emotions giving relief to your physical body
Preparation of your Energy body giving relief to your physical body
Energetic Harmonisation of your environment
Your facilitator's presence at Your transition and Passing Over journey.
Guided, safe passage home to unity.
Unique Farewell Ceremonies - tailored to your uniqueness - for your family to complete their Earthwalk relationship with you
Cocreate Your personalised farewell ceremony, with all the elements that allow a successful transition for both you and sense of completion for your loved ones.
Consultations by Appointment