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Four Good Reasons Why Everyone Should Eat What is in Season

Before global transportation was as speedy and commonplace as it is today, eating seasonally and locally were just things everyone did. Many of us have got used to being able to buy most fruit and veggies all year round, even when they’re out of season. But, buying seasonal produce will generally be tastier and cheaper and will have less of an environmental impact! There is something quite comforting about knowing that everything in the universe has its place – that things are what they are for a reason- same with seasonal food.

Why is it important?

Changing our eating habits is a simple way to reduce our impact on the environment, address climate change (via reduced transport and industrial energy) and support local communities and farmers. You'll support the local community, farmers and benefit from an interesting and diverse diet year round, as well as support organisations like the Australian Farmers' Markets Association, which advocate low-impact farming and produce diversity.

Plants get their nourishment from the sun and soil. Seasonally fresh produce is picked when they’re ripe and fully developed. The plant has had more sun exposure, which means it will have higher levels of antioxidants! Studies have shown that some crops can have up to three times more nutrients when grown in season. Seasonal fruits and vegetables don't have to endure as much travel, so they don't lose those vital nutrients.

It's better for the environment.
Eating seasonably is also a great way of eating more sustainably. Growing fruit and vegetables in season requires lower levels of artificial inputs like heating and lighting than at other times of the year. So seasonable produce has a lower environmental impact.
Seasonal and local foods have to travel much shorter distances than non-local fruits and vegetables, which sometimes need to travel well over 1,000 miles to get to our local supermarkets. Plus, seasonal foods typically have fewer pesticides and fertilisers. Foods that have been picked too early and travel long distances won’t look as pretty as the seasonal ones that grew to their peak. To make them look more appealing, they’re often given chemical ripening agents, wax coatings, and other preservatives. Seasonal eating greatly reduces the need for these practices, while reducing your carbon footprint.

The good news is that food grown in season is significantly more delicious than food grown out of season. The flavors are stronger and more developed, the textures are as they were meant to be, and you end up appreciating them more.
Produce that have been allowed to fully ripen in the sun taste amazing! Freshly picked it has the optimal flavour – crispy, fragrant, juicy and colourful. Those summer tomatoes make all other tomatoes seem inferior.

It's more cost-effective.
When produce is in season locally, the relative abundance of the crop usually makes it less expensive. It's simple, really. Food is easier to grow in its proper season, making it more abundant, less time-intensive, and more affordable for consumers. Often there will be specials on seasonal produce, because there is simply too much of it. Seasonal food is much cheaper to produce for the farmers who would rather sell their products for a lower price, than not at all.

A reduced carbon footprint, health benefits, and cost reduction are all great reasons to eat seasonally.
Follow this link to find out which fruits and vegetables are in season in Australia. (You can even set your location)

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